English Major with Credential Emphasis (EMCE)
The English Major with Credential Emphasis (EMCE) program is a state-approved program that permits immediate entry into the Single Subject Credential Program by satisfying the required subject-matter competency requirements in English. The program includes courses in major authors, periods, genres, language, as well as teaching practices and pedagogy.
EMCE Handbooks
About the EMCE Program
Contact: | Office: | Phone/Email: |
Dr. Emerson Case English Department Chair |
HOB 139 |
661-654-6281 ecase@csub.edu |
Analía Rodriguez English Department Coordinator |
HOB 148 |
661-654-2144 arodriguez5@csub.edu |
Dr. Carol Dell’Amico Graduate Program Director |
HOB 145 |
661-654-6295 cdellamico@csub.edu |
Dr. Dan Stockwell EMCE Program Coordinator |
HOB 146 |
661-654-3315 dstockwell@csub.edu |
Dr. Kim Flachmann Writing Program Coordinator |
DDH B104 |
661-654-3083 kflachmann@csub.edu |
Angela Beardsley Writing Program Administrative Support Coordinator |
DDH B100 |
661-654-6194 abeardsley@csub.edu |
Dr. Alicia Rodriquez Interim Dean/School of Arts & Humanities |
HOB 211 |
661-654-2166 arodriquez@csub.edu |
Adrianna Hook Assistant to the Dean/School of Arts & Humanities |
HOB 207 |
661-654-3986 ahook@csub.edu |
Linguistic Description: Students will be able to describe the grammar of English.
Writing Conventions: Students will be able to compose texts that conform to the conventions of a particular
genre as well as the rules of standard written English.
Expository Writing: Students will be able to compose expository essays that demonstrate cohesion and clarity.
Literary Analysis: Students will be able to analyze literary texts using evidence from the primary texts
Applying Critical Theory: Students will be able to apply specific critical approaches to literary works.
Researching Criticism: Students will be able to survey the existing criticism on any literary text.
Creative Writing: Students will be able to compose poetry, fiction, or drama.
Theoretical Foundations: Students will be able to describe theoretical foundations essential to teaching and
learning in the high school English Language Arts classroom.
Pedagogical Skills: Students will be able to assess pedagogical skills essential to teaching and learning
in the high school English Language Arts classroom.
Getting Into the EMCE Program
All CSU applications must be submitted online at www.calstate.edu/apply. Visitors to this site can find specific information for the application procedures
for Freshman, Transfer, Graduate, and International students, as well as for those
seeking a Teaching Credential. This site also contains a link to Application Dates
and Deadlines, as well as a link to the CSU Applicant Help Center for additional resources.
Detailed information on Application Procedures and Policies can also be found at www.csub.edu/catalog/2024-2025-admissions-procedures-and-policies.
Requirements for admission to CSU Bakersfield are in accordance with Title 5, Chapter
1, Subchapter 3, of the California Code of Regulations. Complete information is available
at www.calstate.edu.
Bakersfield College
Cerro Coso Community College
Porterville College
Taft College
Getting Through the EMCE Program
For a copy of the 2024-2025 EMCE Graduation Outline, click on the links below:
For a copy of the 2023-2024 EMCE Graduation Outline, click on the links below:
For a copy of the 2022-2023 EMCE Graduation Outline, click on the links below:
For a copy of the 2021-2022 EMCE Graduation Outline, click on the links below:
For Program Map information for the English Major with Credential Emphasis (EMCE), click on the link below:
The faculty and staff in The Department of English are ready to advise and mentor you as you pursue your degree with us. We can help you decide your required classes and electives, discuss your academic interests, and work with you as you consider your future career. You can talk to any professor you like. Just contact them after class or through email, and they will make time for you.
As you plan your classes each semester, the first place to start is the Arts & Humanities Student Center. Each term, make an appointment through the link below. The advisors will review the courses being offered, assist as you set up your schedule, update your concentration outline, and help you when it comes time to apply for graduation. They work closely with the department chair to make sure you are proceeding toward graduation in a timely fashion.
For complete information on the A&H Student Center, including hours of operation, click on the link below:
To make an appointment to see an A&H Student Center Advisor, click on the link below:
In addition, Dr. Emerson Case, the English Department Chair, is there to mentor and advise you as well. Contact him at ecase@csub.edu to set up a time to meet.
For specific advising related to the English Major Credential Emphasis (EMCE), contact Dr. Dan Stockwell at dstockwell@csub.edu.
For a copy of English Course Descriptions, click on the link below:
For a copy of the Independent Study Form, click on the link below:
For a copy of the Change of Major Form, click on the link below:
For a copy of the Drop/Add Form, click on the link below:
Finishing the EMCE Program
All students must apply online for graduation, which will initiate the graduation evaluation process. As an undergraduate student, once you have completed 84 semester units, a link to apply online for graduation will be available on your myCSUB Student Center. In addition, you will receive an email notification that you may be eligible to apply for graduation.
Before applying for graduation, you should review your academic requirements with your academic advisor. You should confirm that you are within two semesters of completing all remaining graduation requirements.
Detailed information on application deadlines and online application procedures, as well as graduation checklists, can be found at www.csub.edu/registrar/graduation.
The Single Subject Credential Program , offered through the Teacher Education Department, prepares candidates to teach in a specific subject in departmentalized classes as generally found in middle schools and high schools, such as seen in grades 6-12.
CSUB's teacher credential preparation programs are accredited by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and are a member in good standing of Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP), a national accrediting organization recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
For more detailed information on CSUB's Single Subject Credential Program, visit the Teacher Education Department web page at www.csub.edu/teachereducation.
EMCE Program CoordinatorDr. Dan Stockwell
Phone: 661-654-3315
Email: dstockwell@csub.edu
Office: HOB 146