Graduate Programs
Arts & Humanities
Pursuing a graduate degree in history should be enriching both personally and professionally, equipping the individual with a deeper understanding of the past as well as providing an appreciation of the complexities of the present. From a professional perspective it opens the door to a number of careers.
An M.A. degree in History is usually a requirement for teaching the subject at community colleges and it provides an excellent complement for teaching the history/social science framework at the high school level. Students completing the M.A. program will have developed critical, analytical, and writing skills that are of value in various fields. For those considering pursuing a Ph.D. in history, and eventually teaching at the university level, the M.A. program gives students a taste of what is involved and prepares them for doctoral work. Although the program does not require knowledge of a foreign language, students are strongly encouraged to develop a reading ability in a language other than English.
The MA program in History at CSUB offers two degree options: comprehensive examinations or a thesis.
For more information, go to the CSUB MA History Program webpage.
The Master of Arts in English provides the following: (1) a carefully planned and integrated program ensuring a foundation of professional skills through a common core of courses; (2) some uniform degree of coverage in British and American literature; (3) more intensive training in reading, critical analysis, research, and writing than is possible in undergraduate work; and (4) breadth through an emphasis on the fields of literature, language, and composition.
To meet these objectives, the English graduate program has been designed primarily to provide the following: (1) a well-balanced program for those who wish to terminate their studies at the master’s level and whose primary aim is to teach in a community college; (2) advanced training for teachers who wish to improve their professional skills and status; (3) a variety of courses for students who plan to pursue the Ph.D. degree at another institution; and (4) continuing education for those who wish to extend their knowledge as an end in itself through an interesting and stimulating series of classes in literature, criticism, and language, as well as the teaching of composition and English as a Second Language.
The MA qualifies students to teach in the California community college system or secondary schools as well as prepares them for careers in editing, advertising, and public information.
For more information, go to the CSUB MA English Program webpage, or email the Graduate Program Director, Dr. Dell'Amico
The Master of Arts in Spanish program enables students to further advance their communication skills in the fundamental areas of listening, reading, speaking and writing in Spanish. The Spanish M.A. is designed for a range of individuals and seeks to provide: (1) balance for those who wish to terminate their studies at the Master’s level and whose primary aim is to teach in a community college; (2) advanced training for teachers who wish to improve their professional skills and status; (3) a variety of courses for students who plan to continue toward the Ph.D. degree at another institution; and (4) continuing education for those who wish to extend their knowledge as an end in itself through an interesting and stimulating series of courses in literature, criticism, language and culture.
For more information, go to the CSUB Department of Modern Language & Literature.
Business and Public Administration
In pursuit of academic excellence and diversity, high-quality student experiences, and community engagement, the mission of this graduate program is career preparation and development for policy/decision making, managerial and administrative positions in the public, nonprofit, and health care sectors. The program is especially responsive to regional health, health care, and human service needs, preparing graduates for state and local health care management.
For more information, go to CSUB School of Business & Public Administration or email
The Master of Business Administration program is designed to advance current business knowledge and to update the student’s continuous learning foundation. MBA courses provide both additional depth and breadth through the identification of relevant learning materials, faculty interaction, and collaboration with peers. The MBA program consists of nine core classes and three electives. Our convenient night, weekend, and online classes cater to the busy schedule of working professionals.
For more information, go to the CSUB School of Business & Public Administration or send an email to
In pursuit of academic excellence and diversity, high-quality student experiences, and community engagement, the mission of this graduate program is career preparation and development for policy/decision-making, managerial and administrative positions in the public and nonprofit sectors. The program is especially responsive to regional government and nonprofit sector needs, preparing graduates for state and local managerial and public service leadership.
For more information, go to CSUB School of Business & Public Administration or email
Natural Sciences, Mathematics, & Engineering
The Department of Biology offers a graduate program leading to a Master of Science in Biology degree. The Master of Science with a thesis option is intended to prepare students for professional positions in state and federal agencies, the environmental consulting industry, and for further graduate studies. The Master of Science with a non-thesis option is intended for working professionals, especially public school teachers, and emphasizes course work. A broad range of faculty research interests, easy access to diverse biological environments, and a range of modern research facilities permit the student to select from a broad spectrum of research topics. Faculty interests include field biology, conservation biology, physiology, comparative morphology, plant ecophysiology, plant anatomy, micro-and molecular biology, vertebrate paleontology, evolution, ecology, systematics, and behavior.
For more information, go to M.S. in Biology or email the Graduate Program Director, Dr. Stokes
Experience Earth!
Develop a deeper and more meaningful relationship with a planet! The science of geology
deals with the non-living (mostly) part of the planet. Our focus is on natural resources
(oil, groundwater, and minerals), earth history (fossils, climate change, mountain
building), and earth processes (from volcanoes, earthquakes, and glaciers to ancient
sea beds, minerals, and the earth's interior).
CSUB's geology program focuses heavily on the earth's crust...particularly sedimentary
rocks and basins that are host to large accumulations of oil and groundwater. But
our students study geology around the globe...from our local San Joaquin Basin and
the Sierra Nevada mountains to Iceland, Turkey, and South Africa!
For more information, go to M.S. in Geology or email the Graduate Program Director, Dr. Krugh
MSN-FNP Program
At this time, the CSUB Department of Nursing offers a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree with a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) specialty.
There are four advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) roles:
1. Certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA)
2. Certified nurse midwife (CNM)
3. Clinical nurse specialist (CNS)
4. Nurse practitioner (NP).
The FNP Program at CSUB prepares APRNs in the role of nurse practitioners (NP). Family nurse practitioners provide care for individuals and families across the lifespan. The FNP role includes preventative healthcare as well as assessment, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illness for individuals and families (NONPF, 2013). Emphasis is placed on health promotion, disease prevention, and management of common health conditions.
The Family Nurse Practitioner program at CSUB is a 2-year full-time program, which leads to a Master of Science degree in Nursing with a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) specialty. Graduates are prepared to provide high-quality, evidence-based, and family centered care to infants, children and adults across the lifespan and from diverse backgrounds.
For more information, go to MSN-FNP Program.
Social Sciences & Education
The M.S. Program in Counseling Psychology is designed to meet the state of California educational requirements for becoming a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) or a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC). Licensed counselors can work in the public sector and non-profit settings like county mental health clinics, child guidance clinics, group foster homes, school districts, hospitals and HMOs, juvenile hall, and prison settings. They can also work in the private sector where they are employed by companies, for-profit agencies, and private practices.
Educational licensing requirements are met through our program, which offers:
- A foundation in theories of counseling that build strong relationships with clients and knowledge of effective treatment approaches
- Experiential learning, through which students learn and practice relevant skills and come to trust their own internal experience in work with clients
- An understanding and sensitivity to the effects of diverse individual, familial, and cultural factors
- The tools needed for life-long learning and continued professional development
The Counseling Psychology curriculum includes courses in counseling skills, psychological testing, and diagnosing mental disorders. We feature therapy courses in child, couples, family, group, and individual counseling. Graduate students gain valuable, hands-on experience, in CSUB’s state-of-the-art University Counselor Training Clinic that provides low-cost counseling for the community.
For more information, go to the CSUB Psychology Department.
The Master of Science degree in Counseling is a 48-semester unit degree designed to
provide graduate preparation for counselors in the areas of School Counseling and
Student Affairs in Higher Education. The major goal of the program is to prepare professional
counselors who have the knowledge and skills to practice in a wide variety of counseling
All MS in Counseling students take 34-36 units of core courses in counseling, 6 units
of specialty courses, 6-8 units of supervised field experience, and a final culminating
activity (comprehensive exam). Most students complete the program in two years, attending
full-time, or three years, attending part-time. Students may extend their program
for up to 7 years according to university regulations.
Extensive field-based experiences are woven throughout the Program. Courses are typically offered on weekdays in the late afternoon and evening for working students, although courses in Practicum and Fieldwork may require extensive daytime commitments during the September-June traditional school year.
For more information, go to the Advanced Educational Studies Website

The Educational Administration (EDAD) program prepares educational leaders and future
administrators to promote PK-12 student growth and equitable educational opportunities
for all students.
At CSUB's EDAD program, we see our primary mission as cultivating supportive learning
partnerships with EDAD candidates as they work within their schools to identify and
address inequities of student achievement and well-being. The EDAD faculty brings
real-world experience from a variety of educational leadership positions along with
new insights gained from recent research and theory that we apply in:
- Teaching EDAD candidates the principles of visionary, instructional, and ethical leadership.
- Coaching EDAD candidates in the essential leadership skills of analyzing data, leading communities of practice, and advancing teacher instructional skills.
- Developing candidates' capacity to manage their school learning environments and influence their policy contexts.
- Preparing EDAD candidates to engage their school communities.
All EDAD candidates participate in the two-semester Credentialing program culminating
in qualification for the California Preliminary Administrative Services Credential(PASC).
Support for the California Administrator Performance Assessment (CalAPA) is embedded
in the credentialing program.
Students wishing to earn a Master of Arts in Educational Administration return the
following fall for one research-intensive semester addressing a real-world problem
of educational practice.
We are preparing the leaders of tomorrow by expanding minds, engaging hearts, and
enhancing communities.
For more information, go to CSUB's Educational Administration website.
The Special Education programs at California State University, Bakersfield (CSUB) are guided by the philosophy that all individuals in our society have the right to be educated in the least restrictive environment that fulfills their individual needs. Special education aims to help all children become productive and participating members of society by developing their optimal potential, regardless of disability.
At CSUB, our primary mission is to prepare future special education teachers who can work effectively with students with Mild/Moderate or Moderate/Severe disabilities. Our students develop the instructional, interpersonal and management skills that are critical to success in this field. Graduates become effective teachers and caring, reflective, decision-making professionals.
The Special Education Program at California State University, Bakersfield offers the following programs:
- Preliminary Education Specialist Credential Program
- Master of Arts (M.A.) Degree in Education, specializing in Special Education
All programs are accredited by NCATE and the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC).
For more information, go to Special Education.
Make a Difference.
The profession of social work is grounded in a commitment to serving vulnerable and oppressed populations and advocating for public policies that promote social justice.
The Master of Social Work (MSW) program at CSUB prepares students for advanced generalist social work practice. Graduates are prepared to work with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities in fields such as mental health, physical health, child and family services, gerontology, corrections, juvenile justice, youth services, and substance abuse treatment.
CSUB uses advanced-generalist practice as the model for the curriculum. This model prepares graduates to perform a variety of roles across micro, mezzo, and macro levels of practice. Within the advanced-generalist framework of the curriculum, students may choose an emphasis in child and family services, mental health, or gerontology/ health social work in a full-time, part-time, or advanced standing plan of study. CSU Bakersfield’s MSW program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.
Pursuing a degree and career in Social Work is a life-altering experience. If you want an exciting education that gives you the skills you need to create real change in the community, study Social Work at CSUB!
For more information, go to the CSUB Department of Social Work CSUB Department of Social Work.
The Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership at CSU Bakersfield is focused on preparing P-12 and community college leaders to advance educational opportunities and provide equitable academic achievement for diverse groups of students. It links graduate scholarship with practical problem-solving in education in order to achieve transformations both in future leaders and in the quality of education in the region. Practice-based research addresses significant problems faced by local educational institutions, is designed with and facilitated by P-16 community partners, and is structured to bring about systemic educational reforms. CSU Bakersfield faculty members and local P-12 and higher education administrators are among the primary instructional faculty in the program. It serves students pursuing leadership roles in both P-12 schools and in community colleges.
The Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership
- Offers an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership with two unique degree options:
- Pre-K-12 Educational Leadership and
- Postsecondary Educational Leadership (including Community College leadership and administration)
- Faculty hail from a number of academic disciplines including educational administration, teacher education, and business and public administration, as well as members of the Community Advisory Board and other qualified practitioners chosen for their leadership roles from surrounding school districts in both K-12 and Community Colleges
- To accommodate full-time working professionals, all courses are taught in Bakersfield and held during the late afternoons, evenings, and/or weekends
- DPEL prepares students to conduct and interpret research on which sound educational policy and practice can be anchored
For more information, go to Educational Leadership.
Teacher Education
If you are considering a career in teaching, you will find that it is a profession like no other. Teaching is an art, a science, a way of life, a vocation, an inspiration, and a passion.
As a teacher, you will experience the joy of making a difference in the lives of your
students on a daily basis. You get to share in the wonder and excitement as you help
children learn about themselves and discover the world around them.
You will also become a lifelong learner, digging deeper into your subject matter and
incorporating new ideas in your own classroom. Every day will be different, holding
a unique set of challenges and rewards. By becoming a teacher, you will change your
own life and touch countless others.
The Department of Teacher Education at California State University, Bakersfield prepares highly qualified teachers and professionals to teach in the K-12 public schools and to work with children and families in other educational settings.
Our department offers both Single Subject and Multiple Subject teaching credential programs.
Courses are offered at CSUB’s two campuses: Bakersfield Main Campus and Antelope Valley.
For more information, go to Teacher Education.
Extended Education
Sharing what you’ve learned is just as important as learning itself.
For you, a rewarding career begins with being able to empower others to succeed. This program will provide the higher education you need to become a transformational figure, not only in your students’ lives, but your fellow educators’ as well. You’ll further develop your leadership skills, while building on a strong foundation of collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and communication.
The Curriculum & Instruction degree emphasizes the core concepts of equity and educational
technology integration to expand your knowledge and strengthen the confidence you
already have to lead school reform, improve student learning and benefit the community
at large.
Why CSU Bakersfield?
Earn a CTC approved Reading and Literacy Added Authorization while completing your Master's degree
Convenient online format - because we understand things like meetings, family functions and your daily life are equally important
Some units earned for your Preliminary Credential may count toward your degree
Our faculty are experts in their field, with each member holding a doctorate degree
Financial aid is available
You’ll have the full support of a staff that is there to help you succeed
The Curriculum & Instruction program is WASC and NCATE accredited
For more info, go to CSU Extended Education.
Push yourself to the next level
Designed for those interested in the allied health and fitness professions, the Online Master of Science in Kinesiology (MSK) provides students with a breadth of knowledge in kinesiology including an emphasis in behavior change, exercise physiology, program design, movement science, and evidence-based practice in kinesiology.
For more information, go to CSU Extended Education.
A life-altering master's degree for the greater good
Challenging, yet rewarding. The sentiment that often describes the everyday duties of a social worker also describes what it takes to begin or advance a career in social work. CSU Bakersfield Antelope Valley (AV) Master of Social Work (MSW) graduates are prepared to work with individuals, families, and groups - large and small - across a wide swath of professional fields, including mental health, physical health, child and family services, gerontology, corrections, youth services, and more.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the need for social workers will grow by 16 percent - or nearly 110,000 workers - through the year 2026.
The CSUB-AV MSW program uses the advanced-generalist curriculum model, which prepares graduates to perform a variety of roles across micro, mid-level, and macro levels of practice.
The CSUB-AV MSW is a hybrid program, utilizing a mix of online and in-person courses at the AV campus in Lancaster, CA. The MSW is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.
For more information, go to CSUB Extended Education.