Honors Student FAQs
Frequently asked questions regarding the Helen Louise Hawk Honors Program.
Incoming Freshmen FAQs
Frequently asked questions by Lower Division Students.
A query of your SAT/ACT scores and high school GPA was conducted, so your academic
excellence was the basis for the eligibility. Your acceptance into this program will
be decided based on your responses to the questions in the application.
No. The required classes fulfill the General Education requirements. The only extra
requirement is the Honors Independent Project (HIP), described in detail in the next
In addition to completing two of their three upper-division theme courses through
the Hawk Honors Program, CSUB honors students are required to take and complete an HIP with a mentor in their major discipline. This is the last and most exciting of the honors requirements because it offers
a one-on-one intimate academic experience that can lead to conference papers, publication
in one's chosen field, graduate study, international programs, and/or success in finding
a job after graduation. These Honors Independent Project courses are offered for
2 - 5 variable units, depending on the extent of the project and the agreement between
the student and his/her professor. The Honors Independent project requirement should
not be confused with the Senior Seminar that each student must take in his or her
major discipline. These are two distinct classes that satisfy entirely different university
requirements. One, however, may use some aspect of their senior project for their
independent study with the agreement of their professor and the Honors Director.
To gain approval for a proposed HIP, please contact the Honors office to be added
to our Honors Canvas page. On this page, you can submit your HIP proposal and final
Yes. Although the courses are labelled as "Hawk Honors" the grading scale is the same, but they provide the opportunity for our top students
to interact in an academic setting making the courses both stimulating and intellectually
No. Science, Nursing, and Engineering majors, for example, are exempt from science
GE requirements. There is also a course-substitution process if there are compelling
reasons that prevent you from taking the offered courses during a semester. Please
email org-helenhawkhonors@csub.edu for further information.
Incoming sophomore or junior students (either transfers from another college or continuing
CSUB students) will be invited to enter the CSUB Hawk Honors program if they have
earned a 3.50 or above GPA. They will receive a letter from the Director of the Hawk
Honors Program informing them of their eligibility. Similar to incoming freshmen, all eligible students wishing to participate in the
Hawk Honors Program must provide well-thought out, detailed responses to the application
questions. The Honors Council will grade these responses and this will determine your
acceptance into the program.
All students at the university (regardless of their majors or career goals) are required
to complete three upper-division "theme" classes, one in each of the following areas: Q - Quality of Life, R - Revolutionary Ideas
& Innovations, and S - Sustainability & Justice. CSUB Hawk Honors students must satisfy at least two of these three themes by taking specially designated courses
through the Hawk Honors Program. The program will offer three upper-division honors theme classes every year—one
in each of the three different areas. This means that all upper-division honors students
will have six honors theme classes during their last two years from which to choose
their two honors classes (one per year). These upper-division honors theme courses
are taught by our very best professors at the university, and they are filled with
other exceptionally bright, hard-working students, and this means that the level of
discussion is appropriately high for honors courses. Students must maintain a 3.2 cumulative GPA to remain in the program. (During the first year, freshmen have a whole year to reach and maintain this GPA).
In the case that a student fails to complete the requirements they do not get completion
of the Honors Program, which forfeits the medal or cord, and the Honors designation
on their diploma.
Students who complete two years of the CSUB Hawk Honors Program (as juniors/seniors)
will have this accomplishment listed prominently on their official CSUB transcripts
and receive a gold/blue honors cord to be awarded at our end-of-the year Honors Convocation.
Students who complete the four year course of the CSUB Hawk Honors Program will have
also have this accomplishment listed on their official CSUB transcript and receive
a gold medal to be awarded at the Honors Convocation. The cord/medal may be worn
for graduation.
In addition to providing special sections of general education classes taught by the
university's top professors, the CSUB Hawk Honors Program offers the following extra
advantages: priority at registration (so students will always get the courses they
want at the most convenient times); an Honors Lounge where students can relax between
classes; access to the Dr. Flachmann study room in the WSL; an Amazon tablet; special
waivers in the general education program; international study opportunities; excursions
to cultural events; parties and other enjoyable social occasions; and increased scholarship
Interested students are encouraged to visit the CSUB Hawk Honors Program Web Site
at www.csub.edu/honors, which includes a one-year projection of honors classes, further information about
the program, and photographs of past and current participants.
You can also contact the Hawk Honors Program Director, Dr. Jacquelyn Kegley at 661-654-2249 or at jkegley@csub.edu, or you can contact the Hawk Honors Program Assistants, at 661-654-3461 or at org-helenhawkhonors@csub.edu.
Incoming Transfers and CSUB Continuing Student FAQs
Frequently asked questions by Upper Division Students.
Incoming junior students (either transfers from another college or native CSUB students
continuing in the university) will be invited to enter the CSUB University Honors
program if they have earned a 3.50 or above GPA in their first two years of college.
They will receive a letter from the Director of the University Honors Program inviting
them to participate in the program. Students must confirm their intent to participate
by calling (661) 654-3461.
All students at the university (regardless of their majors or career goals) are required
to complete three upper-division classes, one in each of the following areas: Area
B (Natural Science and Technology), Area C (Arts and Humanities), and Area D. (Social
and Behavioral Sciences). Helen Hawk Honors students must satisfy at least two of these three upper division requirements by taking specially designated courses through the Honors
Program. The program will offer three upper-division honors classes every year—one
in each of the three different areas. This means that all upper-division honors students
will have six honors theme classes during their last two years from which to choose
their two honors classes (one per year). These upper-division honors theme courses
are not graded more severely than non-honors courses, nor do they require additional work. They are, however,
taught by our very best professors at the university, and they are filled with other
exceptionally bright, hard-working students. This means that the level of discussion
is appropriately high for honors courses. Students must maintain a 3. 2 cumulative
GPA to remain in the program. The University General Education program also requires
that every student take a Junior Year Diversity Reflection Seminar. Philosophy 3528H
fulfills this for honors students.
Students who complete two years of the CSUB Honors Program (as juniors/seniors) will
have this accomplishment listed prominently on their official CSUB transcripts and
in the Graduation program. You will also receive a two-year "honors cord" to be awarded
at our end-of-the-year Honors Convocation.
In addition to providing special sections of general education classes taught by the
university's top professors, the CSUB Helen Hawk Honors Program offers the following
extra advantages: priority at registration (so students will always get the courses
they want at the most convenient times); a new Honors Lounge where students can relax
between classes; special waivers in the general education program; international study
opportunities; excursions to cultural events; parties and other enjoyable social occasions;
and increased scholarship potential. You will also be encouraged to participate in
the CSUB Honors Conference and to present a paper or poster at that event and at the
university research conference. A special presentation event will be held for presentation
of your Independent Study project.
Interested students are encouraged to visit the CSUB University Honors Program Web
Site at www.csub.edu/honors, which includes a two-year projection of honors classes,
further information about the program, and photographs of past and current events.
You can also contact the Honors Program Director, Dr. Jacquelyn Kegley at 661-654-2249
/ jkegley@csub.edu or our student assistants at org-helenhawkhonors@csub.edu or call 661-654-3461.