Our office provides information about student attitudes and behaviors including time use, academic engagement and community involvement. It assesses attitudes towards many different aspects of campus life including academic advising, campus climate, courses and instruction, and interaction with faculty. It documents students' self-perceptions and goals, political beliefs, and perceptions of the role of the university. It also collects background demographic information, such as first language, family immigration background and social class.
Student Surveys
The California State University, Bakersfield Graduate Student Experience Survey (CSUBGSES) is a survey that solicits graduate students’ opinions on a broad range of academic and co-curricular experiences, including availability of courses and other student services.
- Graduating Student Survey 2018-19
- Graduating Student Survey 2017-18
- Graduating Student Survey 2016-17
- Graduating Student Survey 2015-16
- Graduating Student Survey 2014-15
- Graduating Student Survey 2013-14
- Post Graduation Plans 2012-13
- Time to Degree 2011-12
- Learning Experiences 2010-11
- Assessment of Student Learning 2009-10
CSUB’s Center for Career Education and Community Engagement office sponsors an annual alumni employment survey to measure students’ employment status after graduating with a bachelor’s degree.
The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) collects information from first-year and senior students about the characteristics and quality of their CSUB undergraduate experience. Survey questions measure the extent to which students engage in effective educational practices that are empirically linked with learning, personal development, and other desired outcomes such as persistence, satisfaction, and graduation. For more information about NSSE, please visit the NSSE website.
Overview of most recent results (NSSE 2022 Reports)
Snapshot of CSUB Results (PDF)
This report is a concise collection of key findings.
CSUB Pocket Guide to Choosing a College (PDF)
This report presents a summary of student engagement at CSUB. Useful resource for
Prospective Students and families with insight into how they might learn and develop
at a given college.
Multi-Year Report (PDF)
To illustrate patterns of change and stability, this report presents Year-to-Year
results for Engagement indicators (EIs), High Impact Practices (HIPs) and key academic
challenge items.
Topical Module
First-Year Experiences & Senior Transitions (PDF)
Inclusiveness and Engagement with Diversity (PDF)
Supporting Documents
Administration Summary (PDF)
This report provides details about the population and sample, response rates, representatives
of the respondents, survey customization choices, and recruitment method.
Selected Comparison Groups (PDF)
Information about comparison groups.
Respondent Profile (PDF)
Demographic information about respondents.
The Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement (BCSSE) survey collects data about entering college students’ high school academic and co-curricular experiences, as well as their expectations for participating in educationally purposeful activities during the first college year. Specifically, the survey assesses:
- the time and effort entering, first-year students devoted to educationally purposeful activities in high school and expect to devote to during their first year of college, and
- what these entering first-year students expect their institutions to provide them regarding opportunities and emphasis.
The survey questions cluster around a range of college activities related to academic engagement, learning, and academic success. BCSSE administration usually takes place prior to the start of fall classes.
BCSSE 2019: First-Year Student Institutional Report (PDF)
This report communicates the activities and experiences each student expects from
his or her college experience. Reviewing these results with students can help focus
advising discussions about activities that enhance students’ undergraduate experience.
BCSSE 2019: Transfer Student Institutional Report (PDF)
This report provides aggregate mean scores for each variable for Transfer Student
respondents at the California State University, Bakersfield.
BCSSE 2019: NSSE 2020 Combined Report (PDF)
This report contains a summary of administration details, cross-sectional and longitudinal
results from CSUB’s BCSSE 2019 and NSSE 2020 administrations, and participating institutions.