Frequently Asked Questions
Most students gain access to their records from their parent/guardian, pediatrician, high school or county health department. If you grew up in California, you can request your immunization records through the California Immunization Registry. If you aren’t able to gain access to your previous records, you’ll need to obtain new doses/tests to comply with the current requirement. You can do that with your primary care doctor, local clinic, Kern County Public Health or Student Health Services (call (661) 654-2394 to schedule).
Students also have the option to submit a Medical Exemption Form - signed by their healthcare provider - or Religious Exemption Form.
Beginning February 10, 2023, all "new" CSUB students aged 18 and younger will need to fulfill the updated immunization requirement. "New" students are those who submitted an application to begin a new program at CSUB and are attending classes under that new program. This refers to:
- Students attending their first semester at CSUB (including transfer students);
- Students who previously attended CSUB, took a break and had to submit another application to begin attending classes at CSUB again;
- Students who graduated from CSUB and are beginning classes for a new program (whether they took a break between semesters or not).
If you are in the middle of receiving the three doses, your hold will be removed until you're eligible to receive the next dose.
Students also have the option of fulfilling this requirement with a positive titer (blood test that shows you have enough immunity in your system) or an exemption form (religious or medical). Please visit our immunizations page for more information.
Follow the upload instructions (under "How to Submit") to have your record reviewed by a member of our team. Do your best to translate the record and input the dates into the respective category.
Even though immunization requirements are different outside the USA, all students enrolled in CSUB will be required to fulfill the current requirement outlined by the CSU Chancellor. Any missing immunizations/tests will need to be updated with your primary care doctor, local clinic, Kern County Public Health or Student Health Services (call 661-654-2394 to schedule).
Uploading FAQ's
Most immunization records will have designated sections that match the requirement name. If your record doesn't have a typed section for a requirement, look for handwritten items that match.
Search immunization names on Google if you're unsure which requirement it matches.
You will have immunizations on your card that are not part of the current requirement; those will not be entered on the website.
This video outlines how to read your immunization record and upload it to our website.
- "Status" will change once your records have been reviewed:
- "Not Compliant" means that requirement hasn't been fulfilled (either nothing has been
uploaded or the record is being reviewed).
- It will remain "Not Compliant" if there's an issue with your record; you will be contacted if this is the case.
- "Compliant" means that requirement has been fulfilled. Your holds for that category will be removed from your account within 3 business days.
- "Not Compliant" means that requirement hasn't been fulfilled (either nothing has been
uploaded or the record is being reviewed).
- "Details" will change depending on what has been uploaded.
- "No data" means nothing has been entered for the category.
- "Awaiting Review" means it has been placed into the queue for review.
- "Satisfied" means the category has been fulfilled.
- Students receiving a dose in a series will be marked "Compliant" temporarily until they're eligible to receive the next dose.
If it's been more than 1 full business day and your record still hasn't been approved, please check your messages in your Patient Portal for specific feedback. For now, here are a few reasons your record may not have been approved:
- You input your Hep B dose dates without submitting your record. We need a copy of your record in order to verify the dates you submitted. Please upload a copy of your record that shows your name, date of birth and Hep B doses for verification.
- Your name and/or date of birth is missing from your record. Please upload additional documentation that shows your name, date of birth, AND your Hep B doses for review.
- Your Hep B doses were given too close together. If there's not at least 6 months between your 1st and 3rd doses, you will need to submit record of a 4th dose to fulfill the requirement.
- Your exemption form is missing information. If uploading a religious exemption form, please ensure it shows your name, date of birth and signature before uploading it to your Patient Portal. If uploading a medical exemption form, please ensure it's filled out completly by you and your doctor before uploading it to your Patient Portal. PLEASE NOTE: PDF's will sometimes not save with all of the information filled out. Please view the document preview after uploading to ensure all of the information is there.