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Program Outline

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Requirements for the MA in Education
w/ a Concentration in Curriculum and Instruction



1) Bachelor’s Degree
2) An undergraduate GPA of 3.00 or better


1) EDRS 680 - Educational Statistics
2) EDRS 681 - Research Design and Analysis
3) EDCI 516 - Foundations of American Education
4) EDCI 520 - Instructional Strategies
5) EDCI 530 - Curriculum Theory and Development

Electives: (Minimum of 24 quarter units)
In selecting elective courses for areas of emphasis, please see the program plan sheet.  Areas of emphasis (concentrations) include: Educational Technology, Field-Based Studies, and other plans developed by the student and advisor.  Advisement will take place quarterly based on the needs of the Maalot Cohort.

Culminating Activity: (Select One)

1) EDCA 690 - Master’s Thesis in Education
2) EDCA 691 - Master’s Project in Education
3) EDCA 692 - Master’s Examination in Education

Completion of the Graduate Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR)

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