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Steps to Graduation

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  1. Complete the CSUB Postbaccalaureate Admission Application and the Curriculum & Instruction Program Application.  Students must be accepted to both CSUB and the Curriculum & Instruction program.
    • Requirements for admission to CSUB:
      • Two official, unopened transcripts from each college or university attended
      • Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited four-year college or university
    • Requirements for admission to the Curriculum & Instruction Program with Conditionally Classified Graduate Standing:
      • Bachelor’s degree from an accredited four-year college or university
      • An overall 3.0 GPA in the last 90 quarter units (60 semester units) of undergraduate coursework
  2. Once you have been admitted to both the University and the Program as a conditionally classified graduate, download, sign, and fax the following paperwork to Extended University at 661/654-2447 to complete your program file.  The Regional Programs evaluator will complete the forms and will obtain the required signatures:
  3. Begin taking courses toward your degree, maintaining a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all program coursework.
  4. Complete the Graduate Writing Assessment (GWAR) for Classified Graduate Standing:
    • If the GWAR was not fulfilled through undergraduate coursework, students can fulfill the requirement through completion of ADM 510-Technical Writing (not part of the C&I program), or by passing the CBEST , GRE, or GMAT exams with appropriate scores.  For more information regarding the GWAR requirement, go to http://www.csub.edu/english/composition/students/GWAR_Info.htm
  5. Petition for Advancement to Candidacy:
    • Requirements:
      • 15 units of coursework successfully completed
  6. Begin work on your Culminating Activity:
    • Compile your Culminating Activity Committee two quarters before you plan to graduate by downloading the Culminating Activity Registration Form. Complete the form by indicating your three-member committee. Committee members must sign the form, or send the Regional Programs office an email indicating their agreement to sit on the committee. Fax the completed form to the Regional Programs office at 661/654-2447.
    • Download a Regional Programs Registration form and submit it to the Regional Programs office with payment.  A CRN will be created and the student enrolled when all signatures have been received by the committee members and verification has been made that all programatic and paperwork requirements have been met.
  7. Apply for Graduation two quarters before your intended graduation date. Click here for details.
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