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Registration Information

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Online web registration will not be available until each quarter’s registration start date (see academic calendar for details) and forms sent via mail or fax (new students only) will not be accepted until after that date.If you are a new student, click here to find out how to register.

How To Register For Classes (CONTINUING STUDENTS)
Continuing students MUST register for classes online using BannerWeb. To access banner web click here.
Login to Student Information Online on CSUB’s Home Page, www.csub.edu

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1. Enter your User ID (SSN) and your PIN (birth date). Your birth date must be entered in two-digit numeric format, mm/dd/yy. If you have changed your PIN to other than your birth date, use it instead.
2. The following options will appear:

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Select Registration and Student Services option. The following options will appear:

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3. Next, select Registration. The following options will appear:

4. Click on Select Term. The following screen will appear.

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5. Next, choose the appropriate term you will be registering for. If “view schedule only” appears next to the term, registration is not permitted at this time.

6. Next, select Submit. The following options will appear.

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  • Have the CRNs of the courses you wish to register for ready and select Add/Drop classes from the menu. Enter the CRN of each course in the boxes under ADD CLASS.
  • Once all CRNs have been entered, click Submit Changes. If any errors or problems with any class arise, you will be prompted with the error under Status and the class will not be registered. You must resolve any errors or problems that arise to properly register for classes. If the Status of the course indicates “**Web Registered**” then the course has been confirmed and registered.
    • To drop a class that has been registered and confirmed, under Action choose “**Drop**”.

    • Click Submit Changes to complete the transaction. The Status for the course dropped will indicate “Drop” and the date completed.
    • Once completed, review your registration to ensure that the classes match the total number of units you have enrolled for.
    • Click on Exit to logout and close the browser when finished.
  • NOTE: You will not be able to search for available classes online during Fall Quarter.
  • New Students should register using one of the methods below.

    By Mail
    Click here and fill out the registration form. Print out the on-line registration form by clicking the button at the bottom of the form. Mail the completed form, with payment to:

    Regional & Online Degree Programs
    30 BDC
    California State University, Bakersfield
    9001 Stockdale Highway
    Bakersfield, CA 93311-1022

    Checks are payable to CSUB. If paying with Visa, MasterCard, or Discover, someone will call you for your credit card number and expiration date.

    By Fax
    If paying with a credit card (Visa/MasterCard), you may FAX your registration form, along with a completed payment form with credit card numbers and signature, to the office at (661) 654-2447, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    To continue,
    click here for the registration form.


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