Our primary school colors are blue and gold.
Pantone 661
RGB: 0, 53, 148
CMYK: 100, 81, 0, 13
HSL: 219, 100, 29
HEX: 003594
Pantone 123
RGB: 255, 199, 44
CMYK: 0, 16, 89, 0
HSL: 44, 100, 59
Secondary colors may be used in graphic design or other marketing materials.
Pantone 662
RGB: 0, 26, 112
CMYK: 100, 87, 0, 36
HSL: 226, 100, 22
HEX: 001A70
Pantone 7401
RGB: 245, 225, 164
CMYK: 0, 4, 38, 0
HSL: 44, 74, 85
Pantone 424
RGB: 112, 115, 114
CMYK: 52, 41, 38, 20
HSL: 36, 3, 63
HEX: 707372
In addition, black and white may be used as neutral colors in marketing materials. White space is an essential component in graphic design.